Graphic and Printing Equipment Operator Program

In United States, 1 schools offer Graphic and Printing Equipment Operator program. The average tuition & fees at the schools is $9,975. The average annual age after completing Graphic and Printing Equipment Operator program is $74,044.

2023 Average Tuition for Graphic and Printing Equipment Operator Programs

Total 1 schools offer the Graphic and Printing Equipment Operator programs. Its average tuition & fees is $9,975. In public schools, the tuition & fees is $5,476 for State residents and $9,975 for out-of-state students. In private schools the costs for the Graphic and Printing Equipment Operator program is -.
2023 Tuition & Fees of Graphic and Printing Equipment Operator programs
Tuition & Fees
In-State (public schools)$5,476
Out-of-State (public schools)$9,975
Private schools-

What is Graphic and Printing Equipment Operator Program?

Graphic and Printing Equipment Operator is A program that generally prepares individuals to apply technical knowledge and skills to plan, prepare, and execute a variety of commercial and industrial graphic communications jobs. Includes instruction in the operation and maintenance of mechanical, electronic, and digital graphic, printing, and finishing equipment; and related processes.

Average Income after Completing Graphic and Printing Equipment Operator Program

The annual average wage after completing Graphic and Printing Equipment Operator is $74,044 and hourly $35.60. This statistics is based on the employment and wage data (May 2019) from Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Next table shows the possible occupation and job list with average income having Graphic and Printing Equipment Operator degree/certificate.
Average Income of Graphic and Printing Equipment Operator Career
Occupation/Job TitleHourly WageAnnul Wage
Art Directors$59.76$124,310
Special Effects Artists and Animators$53.43$111,130
Artists and Related Workers$51.95$108,050
Artists and Related Workers, All Other$35.64$74,130
Fine Artists, Including Painters, Sculptors, and Illustrators$33.59$69,870
Desktop Publishers$25.67$53,390
Desktop Publishers$25.67$53,390
Tire Builders$24.33$50,600
Craft Artists$23.65$49,180
Paper Goods Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders$22.30$46,390

Graphic and Printing Equipment Operator Career Schools

All data used in our site is from IPEDS (The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System), U.S. Department of Education, academic year 2022-2023