Graduation Rate at PCOM

The graduation rate at Pacific College of Health and Science - New York is 78.57%. 11 students have completed their degree out of 14 degree seeking candidates last year.
  • Graduation Rate: 78%
  • Earning after 10 years of graduation: $28,300

Explorer Pacific College of Health and Science - New York

Number of Completers and Graduation Rate by Gender

The graduation rate at Pacific College of Health and Science - New York is 78%. The rate is based on number of completers within 150% normal time (For example, 6 years for 4-year bachelor's degree program). Total 11 students have completed their degree out of 14 candidates who seeking degree/certificate other than bachelor's degree. The next table shows the graduation rate and number of completers by degree type at Pacific College of Health and Science - New York
Graduation Rate for degree/certificate other than bachelor's degree at Pacific College of Health and Science - New York
Graduation Rate78.57%100.00%70.00%
Total Cohort14410
Number of Completers1147
Number of Transfer-out000
Still Enrolled (not complete)000
No longer Enrolled (not complete)303

Average Earning After Graduation from Pacific College of Health and Science - New York

The next table summarizes the average earning by years after graduation from Pacific College of Health and Science - New York. After 6 years of graduation, the mean earning is $30,300 and, after 10 years of graduation, the mean earning is $28,300 for Pacific College of Health and Science - New York graduates.
Mean Earning After Graduation By Time for Pacific College of Health and Science - New York Graduate
After 6 Years$30,300
After 7 Years$26,400
After 8 Years$0
After 9 Years$34,800
After 10 Years$28,300

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All data used in our site is from IPEDS (The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System), U.S. Department of Education, academic year 2022-2023